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Dylan had a musical 4th Christmas this year!  His gifts included many CDs and DVDs with his favorite character Elmo from Sesame Street.  He also received tickets to go to Disney's NEMO on Ice at the Wachovia Center the day after Christmas and he really seemed to enjoy it!  He stayed awake for the entire show which is out of the ordinary for him.  Santa also brought him a Kids' Gathering Drum which is used for therapy!

Visiting Santa Claus was very touching this year when we went to visit him at the Park City Mall.  Santa was so touched by Dylan that he began to cry as daddy placed him on his red velvety lap and explained how Dylan had only one wish..."A cure for Tay-Sachs!"  Santa couldn't speak a word without sobbing, in fact, I don't know that he ever did!  Once we put Dylan back into his stroller, Santa hopped up from his plush seat, opened Dylan's hand and placed a bell in his palm then closed his fingers so he could grasp it...could this have been the real Santa bell from the Polar Express?  We are quite sure he was the REAL THING!  We gave him a "JUST BELIEVE" bracelet in return and he regained his composure about five minutes afterward so that he could greet the other children in line.  This was one of the most magical experiences we have ever been through...WE BELIEVE in Santa Claus and Christmas miracles!

Dylan also received a visit from Santa Claus on Christmas Eve when he rode through the neighborhood on a fire truck!

P.S.  You will probably notice that in these pictures, my Nanny and Pappy are among the missing!  Nanny was sick from Christmas Eve until after New Year's so she wasn't able to celebrate the holidays with us this year...we missed you Nanny, things just weren't the same without you and Pappy!












Copyright ©2011 DJ's Foundation For Tay-Sachs Disease