Hi everyone, hope you are enjoying the beautiful spring
I wanted to let you know that I am continuing my reign as the "Traveling
Daddy and I are in New Orleans, LA with my Nana Mo Hayes and Pappy Godwin to
attend the National Tay-Sachs Conference. Daddy is speaking at several of
the sessions to educate other parents and doctors, geneticists & therapists
on daily life with Tay-Sachs. The invitro doctor that is going to help me
become a big brother soon is also going to be speaking at the conference
from Bryn Mawr Hospital. I am meeting a few of the new kids from across the
country who are angels just like me and even a few older kids in their teens
and adults with the Late Onset Tay-Sachs. I even met my little friend
Alejandro from Cuba yesterday! He's the little guy we collected donations
for after their house was destroyed during the hurricane. His family was
very grateful for your help as they don't even have a stroller to take him
for walks right now & can't afford to feed him the proper formula he needs
to stay well nourished like me :( My daddy says he looks just like me with
darker skin and he is the same age too!
Unfortunately, a few of the families we've grown to know are there for the
first time without my friends as they have passed away since the conference
last year. It is always so difficult to understand why these things happen
to good people but now I have more little angels watching me from Heaven.
I also wanted to let you know that I will be on tv again this coming Monday,
April 18th on the 10! at 10 show on NBC Channel 10, 10:00 am. You can log
onto the website at
www.momsonthemove.tv to see the clip if you miss it on
Monday morning. My mommy was referred by several people to be interviewed
by Linda Swain who hosts the "Moms on the Move" special. This happens to be
very ironic since my mommy has been on complete bed rest since her hospital
stay Easter weekend and again this week! My little brother is very anxious
to arrive much sooner than his due date. I can't wait to meet him either!
He has already had his dose of steroids, I guess he's heard the news of
Major League Baseball this year and felt left out. Uncle James is mommy's
designated Nascar driver, for now she is staying at my Nanny's house until
we get home on Sunday.
Keep us in your prayers that Daddy makes it in time to meet the new arrival
and that he is healthy as can be whenever he decides to become an official
part of our family!
That's all for now, we'll keep you posted with the details of my trip and
the baby's status...
Hugs & Kisses,
Little "DJ" Manning
Also, don't forget your "Just Believe" Car Ribbons which are on sale now on
my website
www.djsfoundation.org for $5.00 each.