Hope everyone had a great weekend!
We had another one full of adventure...we spent another night in the
hospital. This time with Brady as he couldn't maintain his body temperature
and was still a bit jaundice. Everything seems to be okay now and we are
thankful to be home once again!
We are doing our best now to limit visitors and family outings now to avoid
coughs and colds for both of the boys' sake as instructed by the doctors.
Unfortunately, they are so susceptible to catching every little germ that
floats and we can't bear another day in the hospital! They don't care for
icky needles and ouchies and we don't enjoy seeing them cry!
Thank you all for your well wishes and continued prayers, that means a lot
to us!
Much Love,
The Mannings
P.S. The Moms on the Move show appeared again on Channel 10 today and the
pictures of the boys will be on during the 10 am show on NBC 10 tomorrow
with Linda Swain.