Hi everyone!
I hope you are surviving the heat wave...can't believe it is already August.
Dylan has been enjoying his summer indoors mostly because of the humidity.
He has a difficult time breathing so he has been on oxygen the better part
of each day and all through the night. Not much has happened since our big
meeting with Johnny Damon. He wore the bracelet on national television and
for five straight Red Sox games which we were so thrilled about for his
support of Dylan!
We are trying to plan a trip to the beach in September after Dylan's golf
outing which by the way, if you haven't already received your packet in the
mail and you are interested in golfing, volunteering or sponsoring the
event, please contact us. The outing will be held at Honey Brook Golf Club
on Monday, September 12 in the morning. We also have DJ's Foundation
t-shirts now available for $10 each, e-mail if you would like more info.
The cookbooks are still for sale at $15 each and the Just Believe Car Ribbon
Magnets are going well at $5 each. Our next run for candles will be August
12 so we need your orders via fax or mail no later than August 10th!
We would also like to extend our appreciation to all those who have been
lending us a hand at home even if for an hour or so. Every little bit
helps! Thankfully, people have been volunteering to sit with Brady, cook
homemade meals and clean a bit here and there so that we don't have to
constantly rely on family to be here every day! Dylan still has therapy
three times a week and juggling the two boys along with the foundation work
keeps us extremely busy. Daddy has taken some time off of work to spend
with the boys and to attend Dylan's many doctor appointments. Now that
DRIBL's 5th season is over he will have a chance to spend more time with all
of us! We are still trying to maintain as close to a "Normal" home
environment and family life as we possibly can and we don't want Brady to
feel as though he is always in the way so we are trying to give him as much
attention as he needs also. It is fun to watch him grow, he has an adorable
smile and is taking in everything right now. His favorite activity is the
Kick n Play and we think he is going to be ambidextrous as he is finally
sucking BOTH thumbs...Dad's dream of a switch hitter!
We just received the sad news last night about one of Dylan's friends who
lost her battle to Tay-Sachs Disease yesterday. Chelsee Hoffman will always
be remembered in our hearts, she was four years old. Attached is a picture
of Chelsee with Dylan and Lacie (another affected child from Fairfield, PA)
when they attended a fundraiser in March, 2005.
Brady is getting bigger every day and Dylan is enjoying his time as a big
brother. See pics attached.
That's all for now,
Enjoy the rest of your summer!
The Mannings