Hi Everyone!
We wanted to share some pictures of Dylan's milestone with you.  We are so
happy to tell you that he made it to his fourth birthday!  Dylan is a
fighter and he continues to amaze us more and more every day!  Out of pure
coincidence, the movie Polar Express was released on DVD on his birthday and
for any of you that have seen the movie, the theme song is "JUST BELIEVE".
His baby brother Brady also gave him something very special for his big
day...HIS FIRST TOOTH!!  It is these little ironies that make our lives
easier to cope on a daily basis because we know that there is a higher power
watching after our family.  They give us the strength to get through the
tough times.

We were also interviewed again yesterday by CN8 News and the story will air
on Comcast's CN8 News (Local Channel 4) during the 7pm and 10pm shows from
Maine to Maryland.  They are going to try to air it in the morning also but
Gwen Owens wasn't sure if it would be in time for that.  We are so happy
that they have taken such a personal interest in Dylan and Tay-Sachs

As you know, we are also busy with last minute preparations for Dylan's Big
Birthday Party this Saturday.  We are looking forward to seeing you there,
it will be a fun day for the kids!

Most of all, have a happy and safe Thanksgiving holiday and...
The Mannings
Brian, Sherri, Dylan and Brady

PS...GO PITT, the game is on tv tomorrow night!!  He he!