Hi everyone!
I can't believe we are into October already, where has the time gone?

Brady turns six months old tomorrow and we just can't get over how much he
is growing!  The older he gets, the more he looks like his big brother
Dylan!  We received his carrier results back and he IS a carrier of
Tay-Sachs but he is officially NOT AFFECTED with TSD.  We were hoping that
was the case but we were not positive until the result was on paper!  Thank
God for miracles!

Our golf outing was a success and we want to thank all who participated or
volunteered for their time in supporting the event!  If you participated,
your golf shirt will be ready for pick up or delivery in approximately two
weeks from the embroiderer.  Next year's (3rd Annual Golf "FORE" Dylan) is
slated for Friday, June 2, 2006 at Honeybrook Golf Club.  We are looking
forward to that and we are already busy planning for it.  If you are
interested in joining the committee this year, please contact me!

Last week, we attended the Downingtown East High School football game and
after winning the game, the entire team presented Dylan with the game ball.
What a touching experience for all of us and we are grateful to the Cougars
for their spirit and unforgettable "childhood" memory that we will always
cherish!  (View photos attached)  Dylan is also pictured with quarterback
Pat Devlin who signed this summer for a full ride to University of Miami.
He is one of the top quarterbacks in the country this year!  This game he
passed for over 400 yards and had 4 touchdowns.

Speaking of football, the Boiling Springs High School football team (from
the Harrisburg area) is off to a 6-0 start this season.  We want to
congratulate Matt Heiser and his team for their hard work and thank them
once again for their kindness to Dylan in donating the proceeds from their
golf outing this spring.

Dylan has been through a bit of a rough road these past few weeks.  He is
just getting over a bout pneumonia, just when we think he's given up...he
keeps fighting and has bounced back from it once again!  We pray every day
for his strength and thank God for his courage.  This flu season will be
very tricky!  The doctor has asked that anyone who comes in contact with
Dylan have a flu shot so we are all working on that right now!  We just
applied for Round the Clock Nursing Care to help us with Dylan as we have
not been getting much sleep lately.  I don't know what we would do without
the love and support of our parents who keep us going "one day at a
time"...we all feel like the Energizer bunny these days...we just keep going
and going ...and going...!

We also ask that you keep our dear friend Lacie Wivell in your prayers.
Lacie is 18 months old and suffers from Tay-Sachs.  For anyone who has had
the privilege of meeting her at our Irish Event or at the NTSAD Conference,
you know she is a special little angel.  Little Lacie is trying to fight off
pneumonia and they don't know if she is going to make it this time as she is
becoming very weak.  Please pray for her strength and her family's comfort
and hope at this most difficult time!

Also, Dylan's birthday invitations will be going out very shortly...SAVE THE
DATE!  This year we decided to have a Dessert Party with Cake & Ice Cream
and a few special guests for the kids.  The admission is FREE and we welcome
ALL who are interested in celebrating Dylan's FOURTH Birthday with us.  If
you haven't had the chance to meet him yet, this is your opportunity!
Please send us your mailing address if you are not on our list and wish to
receive an invitation.  The event will be held on Saturday, November 26
beginning at 2pm and will be an open house so you can come and go when you
are able.  It will be at St. Joseph's School Hall on Charles Street in
Coatesville, PA.  We are looking forward to seeing all of you there!  We
will have Dylan's candles, cookbooks, shirts, magnets and bracelets on hand
if you are interested in purchasing any items for the holidays.  We have
been asked about having a Chinese Auction so if we can gather enough of
items, we will probably have some nice gifts to take a chance on.  Again,
this is optional and there is NO COST to you!  It is our way of saying
THANKS to all those who have supported our fundraising events in the past.
A special thanks to Karen Guidas for helping us with the design of his

Also, please keep in your prayers Harrison Mitchell.  He is an 18 month old
little boy who was recently diagnosed with Tay-Sachs from Langhorne, PA.  If
you could also pray for Brandon Hartman...he is my second cousin who was in
a farming accident and has been in a coma for three weeks now at Hershey
Medical Center.  We are hopeful that Brandon will make it through this but
we ask that you pray for the strength of his family as well!

The boys are looking forward to Halloween this year.  Brady is going to be
an Indian for his first Halloween and Dylan is going to be his sidekick...a
COWBOY!  His pappy will be so thrilled as he sings the "Bonanza" theme song
to them a few hundred times a day!!!

One other thought, our next candle run will be in about two weeks or so.
You can fax your orders to 610-593-4782.  The holiday scents are now on sale
and they are going FAST so get your requests in now to beat the rush!

One final thought (thanks to the ten Berge family)...IF LOVE WAS A CURE FOR
God Bless You All,
Sherri & Brian Manning