It is with great regret that we send you this e-mail.
Dylan's little
friend Baby Lacie Wivell lost her battle with Tay-Sachs Disease on Sunday,
October 23. Lacie was just 18 months old and was diagnosed on Dylan's
birthday last year (Nov. 22) at 7 months. Our prayers are with Lacie and
her family at this difficult time. Lacie, we know you received your wings
and that you are singing and dancing in are finally free! The
Wivells assured us that she is in a better place now as she had suffered
tirelessly with pneumonia and left this world with an innocent smile on her
face in the comforts of her mother's lap.
Dylan, Lacie & Chelsee, March 2005
Lacie & Chelsee's struggle will not go unnoticed, we are on a mission to
find a treatment but most of all, to educate the world on carrier testing to
eliminate any further suffering of these children and the devastation that
occurs within their families!
For any of you who attended our Irish event this year, you were blessed to
meet Lacie and her family! If you are a NTSAD parent and are interested in
knowing further details on the memorial arrangements, please contact me at
610-593-9930 or by email.
Also, please keep DJ's Grandpop Pete in your thoughts and prayers tomorrow.
He is having a complete hip replacement surgery tomorrow, he hopes to be
good as new in a few months to get back on that golf course!
Brady and Dylan had their flu shots today. They were brave boys, Brady had
four others for his check-up. He weighed in at 17.1 pounds and 26.3 inches
long! He is growing so nicely! I will have pictures on the web soon to see
their latest!
The Mannings