We just wanted to keep you posted on Dylan's trip to NYC last weekend...what
a memorable experience!!!  We arrived at our hotel and the doorman noticed
Dylan's Red Sox shirt so he asked if we were fans.  "Well", he said, "You're
in luck, Did you know the Red Sox players are staying at this very same
hotel?"  From that moment forward, our day was just a blur.  We could never
have imagined we would have the opportunity to meet so many players in one
day, let alone shake each one of their hands and have their pictures taken
with Dylan!  We were just in awe!  The best part was that every player we
met was given a "Just Believe" bracelet to educate them on Dylan's battle
with Tay-Sachs and to hopefully make a difference in their lives.  We are
thrilled to tell you that this time, Kevin Millar, Trot Nixon and Gabe
Kapler all wore his bracelet the next day...and they continue to wear it!
Dylan just has little angels that follow us everywhere we go and they make
the most perfect memories for us to treasure always.  There is no such thing
as an uneventful trip with Dylan.  When he is with us, things just unfold
before our eyes, he is our little miracle worker!  IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO SEE
www.snapfish.com to view them!

Auntie Kellie, Ryan and Marc also took the train in to meet up with us there
and we had dinner in Times Square, walked to Central Park and visited
Dylan's Candy Bar Store.  Dylan had a tour of Times Square, Central Park,
Yankee Stadium, rode in a NYC taxi cab and had his picture taken with 1/2 of
the Red Sox players within 24 hours of being in NYC.  We had an exhausting
and unforgettable day!!!  When we returned to our hotel room, we had a
platter of cookies, beverages and a glass of milk for Dylan waiting for us.
It was delivered by Patrick, our doorman who sat with us in the lobby
through all of the excitement as we met the players and grew to learn more
about Tay-Sachs as he stood by Dylan.

The next morning, Auntie Suzanne, Mommy, Daddy and Dylan navigated the NYC
Subway System en route to Yankee Stadium.  Our family was invited by the
Yankees and George Steinbrenner to sit in the reserved seating area.  We met
Stewart Altman, his wife and his service dog Kien.  Brian met Stewart at the
Conference this year in New Orleans.  Stewart is a new member of the
National Tay-Sachs Organization.  He suffers from the Adult Onset form of
Tay-Sachs and was very touched by Dylan's story.  Brian was also inspired by
the fact that Stewart has raised a family, has two grown boys (both carriers
of TSD), a wife and works full-time.  He is also a huge Yankees fan.  So, he
set out to take Stew to a game with Dylan to watch a Red Sox/Yankees game.
When the ADA manager learned of their story, they gave us the tickets
complimentary, hosted us for lunch, gave us a tour of the stadium and
Monument Park and then kindly let the Red Sox beat the Yankees in Yankee
Stadium!!  While we were at the game, we were interviewed by a NY Daily
Times News Reporter who will be writing a story on our visit in an upcoming

Two days later, our 2nd Annual Drive "Fore" Dylan was held on Monday,
September 12, 2005.  We had a nice turn-out and a gorgeous day.  Our first
place foursome was Mark Myers and friends.  Mark is the father of one of
Dylan's biggest fans, Taryn visits with Dylan after her school day at
Lionville Middle School and has become one of his special friends!  Thank
you to all who participated, volunteered and sponsored the event!  The 3rd
Annual Outing is slated to be held the Spring of 2006.  If you wish to join
the golf committee, please contact us!  Drew Lane won the Putting Contest
and donated a portion of his winnings back to the Foundation, Thanks, Drew!
We were very happy to have a special guest on hand for the day to enjoy a
day on the course.  The doctor who delivered Dylan at Reading Hospital, Dr.
West and his staff were all able to take some time off to support our event.
They also placed second in the Tourney!

On a sad note, that very same day... Mark D'Angelo, a friend, dedicated
father, husband and valued Drib-l coach lost his battle to Melanoma type
cancer.  Mark left two children and his wife behind, we are praying for
their family's strength and hope at this difficult time.  Please view the
attachment we've inserted for Mark.  There is a fundraising event planned
for his family on October 2nd at the USTC in Thorndale.  The night consists
of Live Bands for three hours, food, auctions, raffles and sporting
activities.  It is for the entire family!  Please support this event if you
are able, it would have meant a lot to Mark!  Any questions about details,

Also, some upcoming events to jot down on your calendar:
Halloween...Dylan is going to be a cowboy this year and his baby brother
Brady is going to be an Indian!

Our next event will take place on Saturday, November 26th so please mark
your calendar to celebrate Dylan's birthday with us as he turns FOUR years
old!  If you wish to receive an invitation and we don't have your address,
please send it ASAP.  Just before the event, we are anxiously awaiting the
arrival of our new niece or nephew....Baby Martin's due date is November

The Bishop Shanahan Reunion Committee is planning our 15th Class Reunion on
Saturday, November 5th at the Downingtown Country Club.  The Committee has
been working very hard to solicit auction prizes to benefit Dylan and our
Foundation and he will be present at the event also.

We are thinking of hosting an event on New Year's Eve with enough of
interest for a "Family Night Out".  Please email if you would be interested!
This is based on response.

We still plan on having a St. Patrick's Day Event in March 2006.

There is a Gaming Night that we are planning in the next few months also.
We are working on the details now.

May 2006, 3rd Annual Drive "FORE" Dylan Golf Outing.

CHRISTMAS IDEAS...Christmas CANDLES ARE AVAILABLE NOW and they will be short
stocked as of October!  Get your orders in EARLY!!!  Our cookbooks are still
available for purchase as are the "Just Believe" Car Magnets and Bracelets
and DJ's Foundation T-Shirts in Adult and Youth Sizes.  If your organization
wishes to sell Dylan's bracelets or other products, please contact us for
more information.

That's all for now...Have a great fall and Go RED SOX!

The Manning Family