We will work steadfastly to find a cure for Tay-Sachs Disease. We will provide support to families with children of fatal genetic disorders. We will educate couples on carrier testing and promote awareness of this fatal genetic disease. We will be the voices of innocent children who cannot speak for themselves. We will take a stand for those who cannot stand. We will march in Washington for those who will never be able to march. Our vision will be their dreams; we will be their eyes, their ears and their minds as they share their hearts with us and show us unconditional love. They are God's angels and our precious gifts. We cannot let them down and we will never give up! We will turn our goal of raising $1.5 Million into a reality to conduct the research necessary to save our children! WE WILL SURVIVE...JUST BELIEVE!
Sherri and Brian Manning
c/o DJ's Foundation
26 Keller Way
Downingtown, PA 19335
(610) 593-9930
FAX (610) 593-4782
E-mail: pittfan94@gmail.com | driveforedylan@gmail.com