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St. Mark's wrestling team dedicates season to Dylan in







Zach Frederick, senior wrestler for St. Mark's High School in Wilmington, Delaware, had never met Dylan prior to Dylan's 4th Birthday Party.  That didn't seem to matter to him.  He started a fundraising campaign for Dylan called, 'PINS FOR KIDS', where he would solicit pledges for every pin he would get during the wrestling season. (click here for pledge letter) Prior to his season, he did meet Dylan and was more inspired than ever before.  Just recently, he made arrangements for an article (newspaper) to be written in his local newspaper.  Dylan attended a special event on Saturday, February 4, 2006.  St. Mark's took on William Penn and beat them in their meet.  Dylan was there to provide inspiration to the whole team.  The team presented Dylan with an autographed shirt from the team.  The team responded as they continued their impressive run this year.    See more images

























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